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Jackson do Pandeiro portrait Jackson Do Pandeiro (1919-1982) was a master of infectious, poppy Northeastern styles such as coco and forro music. Do Pandeiro's records are practically impossible to find in the United States, although a few delicious reissues have come out in Brazil in recent years. A pity, since they are so great -- his addition of a clarinet to the bouncy accordion-based style created a sound with more than a passing similarity to Jewish klezmer music. His early '60s classic, "Chiclete Com Banana," was anthologized in David Byrne's Brazil Classics series, but other than that one little gem, Do Pandeiro's work remains sadly obscure outside of Brazil.

Discography - Best-Ofs

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Brilhantes - 14 Grandes Sucessos" (Columbia Records)
Stellar northwestern forro, taken from two albums recorded in 1962 and 1975. Do Pandeiro's addition of a clarinet to the standard accordion-and-guitar creates a forro style which sounds startlingly similar to Jewish klezmer music. This disc includes the super-catchy classic "Chiclete Com Banana" and thirteen other tracks which are equally enthralling. Unfortunately, Pandeiro's records are nearly impossible to find in the States -- but if you see this one, it's a doozy!

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Casaca De Couro" (Sony, 1998)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Como Tem Ze Na Paraiba: O Melhor De Jackson Do Pandeiro" (Polygram, 1999)

Jackson Do Pandeiro/Gordurinha "Enciclopedia Musical Brasileira" (WEA, 2000)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Serie XXI" (Sony, 2000)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "As Melhores" (Columbia, 2002)
I'm not sure, but I think this 14-track best-of may be the exact same material as on the Brilhantes album listed above. Which is to say, it's very, very good stuff. Includes his biggest hits, "Chiclete Com Banana," "Casaca Do Couro," and others. Recommended!

Jackson Do Pandeiro "20 Super Sucessos" (Sony, 2002)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "50 Anos De Ritmos" (EMI, 2004)
This 2-CD set is the single best Do Pandeiro collection I've come across to date... It really captures the frenetic joyfulness of his style, and the breadth of his career... HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Novo Millennium" (Universal, 2005)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Chiclete Com Banana" (2005)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Sua Majestade, O Rei Do Ritmo/Forro Do Jackson" (EMI, 2010)
A welcome reissue of two classic albums by Brazilian forro legend, Jackson do Pandeiro, 1954's Sua Majestade, O Rei Do Ritmo and Forro Do Jackson, from 1958. Fun, lively, uptempo material, and likely to disappear again soon, as do many Brazilian records.

Discography - Albums

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Sua Majestade, O Rei Do Ritmo" (Columbia Records, 1954) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Jackson Do Pandeiro" (Columbia Records, 1955) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Os Donos Do Ritmo - Jackson Do Pandeiro E Almira" (Columbia Records, 1957) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "O Forro Do Jackson" (Copacabana Records, 1958) (LP)
Sweet! This opens with a coco and a baiao so close to Luiz Gonzaga's more rigid forro style, that you might think, "oh dear -- more of the same!" But soon Do Pandeiro's unique melodic lilt creeps into the album, and soon you'll find yourself enchanted. Anyone who has found themselves drawn to pop star Gilberto Gil's explorations of forro will find a kindred spirit in Do Pandeiro's soothing vocal style. Great stuff. Recommended.

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Sua Majestade - O Rei Do Ritmo" (Copacabana Records, 1960) (LP)
A collection of songs released as 78s in the '50s, this disc has a lot of variety and a lot of soul. Jackson hits some really funky grooves and takes cool liberties with the traditional forro/baiao format -- adding new instruments, bringing the percussion up in the mix, innovating with the melodies and arrangements. Plus, it's just so much fun to hear the guy sing -- he's got a very charismatic, winning personality. Recommended!

Jackson Do Pandeiro "A Tuba Da Muie" (Copacabana Records, 1961) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "O Cabra Da Peste" (Copacabana, 1963) (LP)
Another great record! A totally funky, swinging sound, firmly anchored in the accordion-based forro/baiao tradition, but with a loose, samba-flavored influence and such deliriously fluid, joyful vocals from Do Pandeiro, it's impossible not to become a fan. Inventive, addictive, polyrhythmic, ecstatic regional music. Admittedly, it does start to sound a lot alike by the end, but it's fun stuff.

Jackson Do Pandeiro & Almora "E Vamos Nos!" (Philips, 1964) (LP)
A really fun album, with swinging, swank pop-samba-bossa arrangements that echo the jazzy, nightclubby sound pioneered by Jorge Ben, Wilson Simonal and others at the time. Do Pandeiro's plainspoken voice is a surprisingly good fit for the style -- the guy just projects joyfulness and fun no matter what the context. There are also plenty of accordion-based baiao tunes as well, though with vocal choruses and a smooth, groovy vibe that in some ways reminds me of the pagode samba style that would emerge a few years later. Great stuff!

Jackson Do Pandeiro "A Braza Do Norte" (Canta Galo Records, 1967) (LP)
Another great record, with a wide variety of styles, ranging from more traditional-sounding regional material to punchy modernizations and plenty of great percussion. Standouts include "Baba De Cachorro," the swinging "Capoeira De Zumbi" (which has a great horn arrangement and a bit of a jazzy gafieira feel) and "De Araque Ze," another irresistible dance number with expanded arrangements (and a nice, concise saxophone solo!) As usual, Do Pandeiro sounds impossibly joyful and energetic, and his backing musicians are all amazing. Highly recommended!

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Aqui To Eu" (Philips, 1970) (LP)
Changing with the times, I suppose, Jackson alters his sound a bit, adding a Tijuana Brass-ish horn section to his upbeat sound, and a more modern production mix. The small brass section is mildly intrusive, but hey, at least it's something new. Included is a jangly new version of his old hit, "Chiclete Com Banana," and a dozen-plus other uptempo tunes.

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Sina De Cigarra" (CBS Records, 1972) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Tem Mulher, To La" (1973) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Nossas Raizes" (Chanticler Records, 1974) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Um Nortestino Alegre" (Chanticler Records, 1977) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Alegria Minha Gente" (Chanticler Records, 1978) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Sao Joao Autentico De Jackson Do Pandeiro" (1980) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Isso E Que E Forro!" (Polygram Records, 1981) (LP)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Casaca De Couro" (Sony)

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Forro Em Limoeiro"

Jackson Do Pandeiro "Ao Vivo"


Ze Ramalho "Canta Jackson Do Pandeiro" (2010)

This tribute features a lot of younger contemporary Brazilian artists, along with old-timers such as Gal Costa, Chico Buarque and Elba Ramalho. Soul, trip-hop, dancehall and rap weave throughout about half of these tracks; the rest stick more closely to traditional forro arrangements. The two tracks by Lenine are disappointing, but on balance this is a nice set, with surprisingly few weak moments. Recommended!


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