French Pop Music - Miscellaneous Albums, Letter "O" (Slipcue.Com e-Zine) Obnoxious amphibian portrait... ribbit!

Welcome to my French pop and rock section... Here are a few recommendations to albums I've enjoyed that I think you might like as well, ranging from 1960s ye-ye to a few more contemporary albums from France's blossoming indie and electronica scenes. There is also a separate section for older musical styles, such as chanson and musette, if you like the old stuff, too!

French Rock & Pop: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X, Y & Z | Compilations | Chanson

Pascal Obispo "Le Long Du Fleuve" (1990)

Pascal Obispo "Plus Que Tout Au Monde" (Sony-Epic, 1992)

Pascal Obispo "Un Jour Comme Aujourd'hui" (1994)

Pascal Obispo "Superflu" (Sony-Epic, 1997)

Pascal Obispo "Live 98" (Sony-Epic, 1998)

Pascal Obispo "Soledad" (Sony-Epic, 1999)

Pascal Obispo "Millesime Live 00/01" (Sony-Epic, 2001)

Pascal Obispo "Studio Fan/Live Fan" (Sony-Epic, 2004)

Pascal Obispo "Les Fleurs Du Bien" (Sony-BMG, 2006)

Pascal Obispo "Les Fleurs De Forest" (Sony-Epic, 2007)
A live live album...

Pascal Obispo "Welcome To The Magic World Of Captain Samourai Flower" (2009)

Les Objets "La Normalite" (Columbia-France, 1991)
The first album by a band that featured Olivier Libaux. who later formed the new wave covers band, Nouvelle Vague...

Les Objets "Qui Est Qui?" (Columbia-France, 1994)

Octet "Cash And Carry Songs" (Plain Recordings, 2004)
Laid-back blipping and blooping electro-pop with some clever editing on the opening tracks (a vocal refrain is sampled and slid out of synch with itself, messing with our expectations of the linearity of "pop" music. This French duo -- Francois Goujon and Benjamin Morando -- bends the trappings of electronica into a distinctly "indie" vibe, then they coast back into a more anonymous, mostly instrumental, mode, with broken beats and mellow melodies worthy of their European forebears. It's a pretty playful set, easy on the ears and kinda fun. Wish they sang in French, though.

Olive Et Moi "Fais-Moi Une Passe" (Warner-France, 2008)

More French Rock & Pop > Letter "P"

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French Chanson & Musette

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