Puerto Rican Country Artists Puerto Rico maybe isn't the first place you'd think of in connection to good, old-fashioned country music, and indeed, I have hit a dead end looking for information about country artists en la Isla del Encanto. For one thing, what they call "country music" in Puerto Rico is mostly a local rural folk style called jibaro music (which I love), though refining my searches to "country western" hasn't helped much, either. Nonetheless, I feel obliged to keep looking, since I'm cataloging local country artists in all fifty states, and hopefully someday PR will make it in as the fifty-first. So, anyone out there with info on genuine cowboy-hillbilly-Nashville twangsters in Puerto Rico (or mainlanders of Puerto Rican descent) should feel free to get in touch... Mainly I'm looking for people who have made records -- 78s, 45s, LPs, CDs, etc. -- though I welcome information about bar bands and live music venues or country bars, as well. I'm sure there's a good story to be uncovered, but it might take some time. Fingers crossed. Gracias!

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