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Almir Guineto portrait Multi-instrumentalist Almir Guineto (1946-2017) was a member of 1960's acoustic samba band, Os Originais Do Samba (a group credited with helping create the pagode style), and later founded the traditionally-oriented Group Fundo de Quintal, which took the pagode sound into the 1980s and '90s. Guineto is particularly known for his distinctive work on the banjo, an instrument he helped introduce into Brazilian popular music. Here is a quick look at his work...

Discography -- Albums

Almir Guineto "O Suburbano" (Beverly Records, 1982) (LP)
(Produced by Gabriel O'Meara, Jorginho & Milton Manhaes)

Almir Guineto "A Chave Do Perdao" (Copacabana Records, 1982) (LP)

Almir Guineto "Sorriso Novo" (RGE, 1985)
This is an exemplary album by one of the founders of the '70s pagode style of acoustic sambas. Multi-instrumentalist Guineto was a member of Os Originais Do Samba (a band credited with helping create the pagode style), and later founded the group Fundo de Quintal, which took the pagode sound into the 1980s and '90s. Here the music is guided by his vocals and playful work on the banjo, an instrument he introduced into Brazilian popular music... Recommended!

Almir Guineto "Almir Guineto" (RGE, 1986)

Almir Guineto "Perfume De Champagne" (RGE, 1987)

Almir Guineto "Olhos Da Vida" (RGE, 1988) (LP)
Guineto sounds kind of over-the-hill and raspy on this one, but the musical end is still pretty groovy. Plain, simple, sweet, old-school pagode, with brisk instrumental work and a warm vocal chorus. Not bad.

Almir Guineto "Jeito De Amar" (RGE, 1989)

Almir Guineto "De Bem Com A Vida" (RGE, 1991)

Almir Guineto "Pele De Chocolate" (RGE, 1993)

Almir Guineto "Acima De Deus, So Deus" (RGE, 1995)

Almir Guineto "Pes" (RGE, 1997)

Almir Guineto "Almir Guineto" (Universal-Mercury, 1999)
A disappointing later album by this pagode pioneer. The musical trappings are all the same, but the spark is greatly lessened from Guineto's glory days. It's not a bad record but it's not as fun as his early work. Zeca Pagodinho guests on one track; Dudu Nobre, Arlindo Cruz, Henrique Cazes and Rildo Hora (who also produced the album) are all among the dozens of sambistas on the album. It's an all-star cast, but the album itself seemed a little lethargic.

Almir Guineto "Rumos Da Vida" (Som Livre, 2000)

Almir Guineto/Various Artists "Todos Os Pagodes" (Velas Records, 2002)
A slick set, with tons of guest stars... Although this is more lavishly produced than I personally prefer, Guineto makes it all work... he's just that darn classy. Well, he almost makes it all work: there is one wretchedly bad collaboration with some obscure, loserly Brazilian rapper, a track that besides being pointless and misguided is just plain clumsily produced. Other than that, though, this is a pleasant album. He's had more sublime records, to be sure, but this one's got some swing in it, too.

Almir Guineto "Millennium" (Universal, 1999)

Almir Guineto "Serie Raizes Do Samba" (EMI)

Almir Guineto "Roda De Samba Com Almir Guineto" (2006)


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