Originally known as Gera Samba, the band E O Tchan personify the brainless, sex-drenched "axe" pop of the 1990s, with easygoing, prefab pop-samba rhythms and plenty of T&A in their videos. I'm not a huge fan, but they were big sellers and are certainly representative of a major wave of mainstream Brazilian pop. Here's a quick look at their work.
Gera Samba "Gera Samba" (1994)
This is the group that would evolve into the highly-successful samba-pop "axe" band, E O Tchan...
E O Tchan "Gera Samba" (Polygram, 1996)
The band changes its name... So... Is this an album by Gera Samba called "E O Tchan," or an album by E O Tchan called "Gera Samba"? Oh, my head is spinning!
E O Tchan "Na Cabeca E Na Cintura" (Polygram, 1996)
Well, at any rate now the band is called E O Tchan... There! Glad that's finally settled!
E O Tchan "Do Brasil" (Polygram, 1997)
E O Tchan "No Havai" (Mercury-Polygram, 1998)
(Produced by Wesley Rangel & Cau Adan)
Brainless Caribbean-tinged samba-pop from this wildly (and inexplicably) popular band... The slight nod towards Havai (Hawaii) only lasts a second, with a hint of steel guitar and ukulele in the first track... After that, it's business as usual for these guys -- one same-sounding party tune after another. Midway through, you might find yourself getting a slight headache... like I did, when I tried to listen to this album.
E O Tchan "Na Selva" (Universal, 1999)
E O Tchan "Tchan.Com.Br" (Universal, 2000)
E O Tchan "Turma Do Batente" (Universal, 2001)
E O Tchan "Ao Vivo" (Universal, 2002)
E O Tchan "Dez Anos" (EMI Records, 2004)
E O Tchan "Macaco Session: Ao Vivo" (Gufo Records, 2019)
E O Tchan "Ao Vivo Na Praia Em Brasilia" (2022)
E O Tchan "Millennium" (Polygram, 1999)
E O Tchan "10 Anos De E O Tchan" (Polygram, 2005)