Jane Duboc is an elegant, subtle vocalist whose stylistic range spans from super-cheesy pop vocals to swank dinner-club jazz. She's sort of like a lighter, more accessible version of Gal Costa... Some of her stuff is pretty (in a too-perfect, upscale kinda way), and some of it is... well, not really my cup of tea. But here's a quick look at her work...
Gay Vaquer "Morning Of The The Musicians" (RCA Victor, 1972) (LP)
A fairly taxing, frequently underwhelming free-jazz/psychedelic art-rock album, featuring American-born Jay Anthony Vaquer (at the time married to Jane Duboc, who sings on here in English) Several Braz-jazz luminaries are on here as well, including pianist Luiz Eca, horn player Paulo Moura and bassist Novelli... It's authentic hippie-era musical excess, of historical interest but not something I'd put on just for fun. Prior to this album, Duboc was more in the background, singing in the bands of Erlon Chaves and rocker Raul Seixas... Vaquer and Duboc also had a son, rock'n'roller Jay Vaquer, who has several albums of his own.
Egberto Gismonti "Arvore" (ECM, 1973) (LP)
In the early '70s, Duboc was briefly in Egberto Gismonti's band... Here, she sings and plays percussion on some tracks...
Chico Anisio "Linguinha" (Som Livre, 1972) (LP)
This was, I believe, a sort of soundtrack album for a children's TV show that starred comedian Chico Anisio as a character called Linguinha... Duboc's website says she was on this album, so I'll take her word for it.
Jane Vaquer & Jose Tobias "Acalantos Brasileiros" (Discos Marcus Pereira, 1977) (LP)
A traditionally-oriented set which, I think, originally came out under Duboc's married name, Jane Vaquer. I'm not sure whether Duboc and Tobias perform together on here, or if this is actually a split album, with each artist performing on their tracks alone.
Jane Duboc "Musica Popular Do Norte" (Som Da Gente, 1982) (LP)
Part of a series of folkloric recordings; other volumes included regional sets by Elis Regina and Nara Leao...
Jane Duboc "Languidez" (Aycha, 1980) (LP)
Jane Duboc "Jane Duboc" (Som Da Gente, 1982) (LP)
Bacamarte "Depois Do Fim" (Som Arte, 1983) (LP)
This legendary Brazilian prog album is an intriguing change of pace for Duboc, who is better known for her work in the world of jazz and bossa ballads. Mainly it's a showcase for guitarist Mario Neto, who wrote or co-wrote all but two of the songs, but Duboc is highlighted on several tracks, and sounds quite comfortable in the role. There are some lyrical, pastoral passages (particularly those featuring flautist Marcus Moura) but also a lot of searching, note-heavy guitar work, reminiscent of guitar heroes such as Jeff Beck and Yngwie Malmsteen. This is really not my kind of music, but I will take the word of the many prog fans who've flocked to this record: good for the genre.
Jane Duboc "Ponte Da Partida" (Antena, 1985)
Duboc kicks this off on a bluesy, emotive note, with her own "Nove E Meia"; all but three of the songs were original Duboc co-compositions, so that's kind of nice. The synthy '80s production is hopelessly tacky, though: her voice sounds sweet, but I can't get past the yucky, phony feel of the keyboards and bloob-bloob-bloobing electric bass. I remember the Eighties... the bad connotations are just too strong, and this kind of music still bugs me. It's a personal failing, I'm sure. But actually, there is a fair amount of heart here, and I'd say if you wanted to check out some of her older work, this is worthwhile record to explore.
Jane Duboc "Jane Duboc" (Continental Records, 1987)
Starts with "Chama De Paixao," "Minas Em Mim..."
Jane Duboc "Feliz" (Continental Records, 1988)
(Produced by Matheus Nazareth & Arnaldo Saccomani)
An absolutely dreadful album, with a lot of over-the-top arrangements and super-glossy pop-jazz production. It's well-constructed, her voice sounds nice, but if you aren't into the style, you'll really hate it. I did. Includes an almost unrecognizable Portuguese-language cover of "Wichita Lineman," as well as one Duboc original, "Como Se Deixa Passar," which is possibly just slightly less horrible than the rest of the record. Can't say I'd recommend this one.
Jane Duboc "Alem Do Prazer" (Ariola Records, 1991)
Jane Duboc "Brasiliano" (Globo Records, 1992)
Jane Duboc "Movie Melodies" (Movieplay Records, 1992)
Jane Duboc "Jane Duboc" (Movieplay Records, 1993)
Jane Duboc & Gerry Mulligan "Paraiso" (Telarc Records, 1994)
Jane Duboc "Partituras" (Movieplay Records, 1995)
Jane Duboc "From Brazil To Japan" (Movieplay Records, 1996)
Jane Duboc "Todos Os Caminos" (Movieplay Records, 1998)
Jane Duboc & Sebastiao Tapajos "Da Minha Terra" (Jam Music, 1998)
Jane Duboc & Zeze Gonzaga "Classicas" (Pau Brasil, 1999)
Jane Duboc "Sweet Lady Jane" (Jam Music, 1994)
Jane Duboc "Velvet Collection" (Tokuma Records-Japan, 2004)
Jane Duboc "Uma Voz, Uma Paixao" (MSI, 2005)
Jane Duboc "Glow" (2006)
Jane Duboc & Arismar Do Esprito Santo "Uma Porcao De Marias" (Biscoito Fino, 2007)
Jane Duboc & Victor Biglione "Tributo A Ella Fitzgerald" (Rob Digital, 2009)
Jane Duboc "20 Supersucessos" (Polydisc, 2004)
A good best -of collection... This disc covers her work on the Movieplay label, including material from albums such as 1993's Jane Duboc, 1995's Partituras, From Brazil To Japan (1996), and one track off Todos Os Caminhos, (1998). If you like mellow dinner jazz or soft pop vocals, this disc might really thrill you -- Duboc is definitely a fine singer, though for me, personally, the best stuff on here is still kind of iffy, while the songs that feature touches like thin, tinkly keyboards or that most accursed of instruments -- the soprano saxophone -- make me clench my teeth and even groan aloud. Take that as you will...