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J. B. Carvalho portrait J. B. de Carvalho (1901-1979) was surely one of the finest musicians associated with Brazilian candomble music and more specifically with the more modern Umbanda movement. His albums are among the finest that I have heard in this elusive genre, with his later recordings intersecting with the early 'Seventies samba raiz scene. Born in Rio de Janeiro, De Carvalho's recording career spanned back to the late 1930s, when he recorded a string of secular samba 78s, though by the time he recorded his first full-length LPs, in the early 1960s, he had dedicated himself fully to religious music, and his umbanda albums progressed from great to sublime over the course of a few years. Here's a quick look at his work...


J. B. de Carvalho "O Batuqueiro Famoso" (Continental/Revivendo Records, 19--?) (LP)
Curiously, very little of J. B. de Carvalho's early work as a secular samba cancao artist seem to have been collected or reissued... This set

J. B. de Carvalho/Various Artists "Quem E O Tal?" (Continental/Revivendo Records, 19--?) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Melodias Da Umbanda: Gente Do Terreiro" (Philips, 1960) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Batuque" (Philips, 1961) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Umbanda" (Musidisc, 1964) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "J. B. de Carvalho Apresenta O Rei Da Macumba: Xango Dzakuta" (Musidisc, 1968) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Na Onda Jovem" (Ritmos, 1969) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Oxossi Pena Branca" (Disco Lar, 1969) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Natal E Festas De Umbanda" (Disco Lar, 1969) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Macumba, Canjere, Candomble" (Musicolor/Disco Lar, 1970) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Festa No Terreiro" (MusiColor, 1970) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Sao Jorge O Rei Do Terreiro" (MusiColor/Disco Lar, 1970) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "J. B. de Carvalho & Seu Terreiro" (MusiColor, 1970) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Jesus Cristo" (MusiColor, 1971) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "J. B. de Carvalho" (MusiColor, 1972) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "...Apresenta Seu 7 E Quem Manda" (MusiColor, 1973) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Apresenta Seu Abaluaie" (MusiColor, 1973) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "E Parrei Iansa" (MusiColor, 1974) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Mensagem" (MusiColor, 1975) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Eu Vi Chover Oxossi" (MusiColor, 1977) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Sao Jorge O Rei Do Terreiro" (Continental Records, 1981) (LP)

J. B. de Carvalho "Capitao Da Mata" (Todamerica, 1981) (LP)


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