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Arlindo Cruz portrait One of the founding members of the traditionally-oriented samba supergroup Group Fundo de Quintal, Arlindo Cruz has kept the roots-samba torch burning for several decades, including a long partnership with Fundo Quintal bandmate Sombrinha. Here's a quick look at his work...


Arlindo Cruz "Arlindinho" (Line Records, 1993)

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Pintura Na Tela" (RGE, 1994)

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Da Musica" (Velas, 1996)

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Samba E A Nossa Cara" (Velas, 1997)

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Pra Ser Feliz" (Polygram, 1998)

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Ao Vivo" (Indie, 2000)

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Hoje Tem Samba" (Universal/Indie Records, 2002)
Acoustic sambas, with younger samba revivalists paying homage to the classic sound of 1970s-era pagode, replete with swaying rhythms, bright vocal choruses and cavaquinhos galore. Naturally, these soft-toned revivalists don't hold a candle to the immortal performances of Clara Nunes and her generation, but it's nice that someone is keeping this music alive, and they certainly sound sweet enough that this album is well worth checking out.

Arlindo Cruz "Pagode Do Arlindo - Ao Vivo" (WEA-Brasil, 2003)
Lively, sugary, melodically rich live acoustic samba performances which, again, lack the magical feel of the classic pagode of the '70s, but still sound pretty nice. Guest performers include Beth Carvalho, Dudu Nobre and Zeca Pagodinho, along with several less well-known performers. It's nice.

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Melhor De Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha: Ao Vivo" (Universal, 2007)
Live recordings, with guest performers including Beth Carvalho, Almir Guineto and Zeca Pagodinho.

Arlindo Cruz "Sambista Perfeito" (Deckdisc, 2007)
(Produced by Leandro Sapucahy, Joao Augusto & Arlindo Cruz)

Pretty sweet and flowery... a bit too slickly produced and poppy for my tastes, although I do love his voice and the sound of all that gentle acoustic strumming and samba rhythms... Guest performers include Zeca Pagodihno, Maria Rita, Marcelo D2, and several members of the "velha guarda" of the Portela and Imperio Serano samba schools. Overall, I guess this one is skippable, though admittedly it's pretty easy on the ears.

Arlindo Cruz "Batuques E Romances" (Sony-BMG, 2007)

Arlindo Cruz "MTV Ao Vivo, v.1: Ele E O Cara" (Universal, 2009)

Arlindo Cruz "MTV Ao Vivo, v.2" (Universal, 2009)
Live performances with guest appearances by Beth Carvalho, Marcelo D2 and Zeca Pagodinho...

Arlindo Cruz/Various Artists "Batuques Do Meu Lugar: Ao Vivo" (Sony-BMG, 2012)

Arlindo Cruz "Heranca Popular" (Sony-BMG, 2014)

Arlindo Cruz & Roge "Na Veia" (Warner Music, 2015)

Arlindo Cruz & Arlindo Neto "Dois Arlindos" (Universal Music, 2017)

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Hoje Tem" (Universal Music, 20--?)

Best-Ofs & Videos

Arlindo Cruz & Sombrinha "Serie Millennium" (Universal, 2007)

Arlindo Cruz "Serie Sem Limite" (Universal, 2008)

Arlindo Cruz "Pagode Do Arlindo: Ao Vivo" (2006) (DVD)

Arlindo Cruz "MTV Ao Vivo" (2009) (DVD)


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