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Henrique Cazes portrait Bandolim expert Henrique Cazes is a major figue in modern choro music, co-founding the groups Coisas Nossas and Camerata Carioca and recording under those names in the 1980s until emerging as a "solo" artist at the end of the decade. He has worked with Radames Gnattali and Raphael Rabello, as well as many other musical greats... Here's a quick look at is work...


Camerata Carioca & Radames Gnattali "Vivaldi E Pixinguinha" (Atracao, 1982) (LP)

Camerata Carioca "Tocar" (Atracao, 1983) (LP)

Henrique Cazes "Waldir Azevedo, Pixinguinha, Hermeto & Cia" (Kuarup, 1988/1990)
A selection of tunes culled from two albums, Henrique Cazes and Tocando Waldir Azevedo, which feature plenty of flashy choro instrumentals. Other super-pickers and players such as Rafael Rabello, Paulo Sergio Santos and Paulo Moura pitch in... These are dazzling performances, but like many choro albums, the pacing is a bit monochromatic. Worth checking out -- the original albums are also available separately (see below).

Henrique Cazes "Henrique Cazes" (Kuarup, 1988)
The first solo album by multi-instrumentalist/composer/arranger Henrique Cazes, central member of the band, Camerata Carioca... Available both as the original album and as part of the collection above...

Henrique Cazes "Tocando Waldir Azevedo" (Kuarup, 1990)

Henrique Cazes & Familia Violao "Desde Que O Choro E Choro" (Kuarup, 1995)

Henrique Cazes & Cristina Buarque "Sem Tostao... A Crise Nao E Botao: Cancoes De Noel Rosa" (Kuarup, 1995)
A tribute to samba-cancao legend Noel Rosa

Henrique Cazes "Relendo Waldir Azevedo" (RGE, 1997)

Henrique Cazes & Marcello Goncalves "Pixinguinha De Bolso" (Kuarup, 2000)

Henrique Cazes & Cristina Buarque "Sem Tostao, v.2: A Crise Continua" (Kuarup, 2001)
More classics by Noel Rosa...

Henrique Cazes "Monarco: Voz E Memoria Do Samba" (Relume Dumara, 2003)
A tribute to samba elder, Monarco...

Henrique Cazes/Various Artists "Choro Do Quintal Ao Municipal" (Kuarup, 2005)

Henrique Cazes & Choro 1900 "Origins" (Alula, 2006)

Henrique Cazes & Marcello Goncalves "Vamos Acabar Com O Baile: A Musica De Garoto" (Deckdisc, 2007)
A tribute to legendary samba-cancao and choro guitarist Anibal Augusto Sardinha, aka Garoto, who is best known for having traveled with Carmen Miranda's fabled Banda De Lua when she moved to the United States...

Henrique Cazes "Eletropixinguinha XXI" (Rob Digital, 2007)
With Fernando Moura and Beto Cazes.


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