To an extent, Brazilian candomble is arcane music that is purposefully hard to find and little known outside of Brazil. Understandably, the ceremonies of the terreiros (or worship groups) are often private or secretive and while there have been many recordings made of ritual music -- including on major labels such as Continental, Philips and RCA -- generally speaking these were limited, niche releases, meant mostly for sale to devotees of the various Orixas, and less for a widespread, mass market.
Then again, the Umbanda movement has relatively modern roots dating back the 1920s, and was in part an effort to bring candomble worship into the cultural mainstream. It is sometimes typified as "white umbanda," to differentiate it from Quimbanda candomble, which is more Africanized, more raucous, and "darker," both racially and spiritually -- a rawer, more carnal ritual form to which some umbanda groups position themselves as polar opposites. However, both schools come from and are aspects of the same religious tradition, and although some umbanda groups may seem a bit genteel, most share the same dynamism and powerful percussive force as the quimbanda musicians> As far as the record industry goes, I'd say it's a safe bet that in many cases it's a little hard to tell where umbanda begins or quimbanda ends, and vice versa. Both branches of modern candomble enjoyed an upsurge in popularity during the 1970s, in conjunction with a vibrant Black pride movement that encompassed the arts, notably in musical movements such as the politically-conscious roots-samba (samba raiz) and the Brazilian funk scene.
The influence of the umbanda groups is deeper and more far-flung than one might imagine, in part because of the diffusion of candomble's spiritual philosophy and musical traditions into numerous styles such as batucada drumming, capoeira, samba de roda, partido alto, classic 'Seventies pagode, and even more modern trends such as the Axe pop music of the 1980s and '90s (which takes its name from the spiritual force "axe," an animating energy in the world view of the Orixa sects...) As with many African roots cultures, the principles of Orixa religion were hidden inside the trappings of the dominant society: for centuries, many of the ancestral spirits were secretly worshipped in disguise, using the names of Catholic saints in place of their original names, and similarly the musical culture has been wrapped inside of pop-culture records by modern recording artists such as Olodum or percussionists like Carlinhos Brown who may not explicitly present themselves as candomble practitioners, but clearly have an understanding of the cultural roots of the music they make.
Anyway, here's a quick (and doubtless quite flawed) glossary of terms which you might encounter while exploring Brazilian candomble music... I've also separately posted reviews and information about many of the ritual music albums I've encountered thus far...
BABALORIXA -- a (male) candomble priest, literally "the father of Orixa." A related term is pai de santo, or father of saint; there are feminine equivalents: Yalorixa and mae de santo.