"Man On Wire"
And now, the end is here: February, 2009
Well, kids, I guess it's time to admit that this "film blog," such as it was, has long since reached its conclusion. Although this page is dated in 2009, I am now sitting in the far-distant future of 2024 (don't ask me what happens, you really don't want to know!) cleaning up ancient typos and obsolete HTML on this odd little project, and while I found my early years (2001-03) a pretty solid effort, you can see how much I let things slide when I got a corporate job (2003-2006) and then we had a kid... Much of the persistence and passion of these film "reviews" subsequently went into my daddy blog reviewing children's books (www.readthatagain.com) and of course my ongoing music reviews, which as time passed narrowed down to a dual focus on Brazilian and Country music. Alas.
If I'm at all honest, though, the film reviews were running on fumes for quite some time, with countless film rentals bookmarked for review, but never completed. I just didn't have the time. I did like my writing style, though, and wonder if I could replicate some of that freewheeling unpretentiousness now, in my twilight years. Who knows? Maybe I'll revive the old gal some day!
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