"Flightplan" (HBO, 2003)
Jodie Foster stars as the jittery, nervous heroine of this iffy action film... You're probably familiar with the plot: a grief-stricken woman is taking her husband's coffin home on a trans-Atlantic superplane , and she freaks out when her six-year-old daughter disappears mid-flight. The set-up to the story is good -- when she goes to the captain and crew to try and get them to help, you know that somebody (maybe everybody?) is in on the plot, but you don't know who. Where the film fails is in the execution -- once we know who the bad guys are, the story goes completely flat and loses all originality. It lurches to a clumsy, perfunctory end... One big kaboom, and we're all done, with the plot, such as it is, wrapped up in a nice, tidy package. Even for a "Hollywood film," this was kind of disappointing.
"Maria Full of Grace" (Warner, 2004)
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